How do I become a dealer for Gambler Table Tennis?
You can apply for our Gambler Table Tennis Wholesale program by submitting the Wholesale Application form to orders@gamblertt.com. We will review your application, and if approved, we will convert your existing GamblerTT login over to a Wholesale account. Any purchases you make that are lower than the wholesale order threshold will still be charged at the normal retail amount.
What are the benefits and terms?
Most of our Gambler products are available at a wholesale price of about 50% off retail. Additionally, there are some products available to our wholesale customers that are not available to our retail market.
- Minimum Order Amount required per order
- Wholesale customers are not eligible for our Gambler Points program
- Drop shipping is not available
You will be required to accept our Terms and Conditions upon each checkout as a wholesale customer:
Gambler TT Wholesale Dealer Terms and Conditions
By purchasing from Gambler TT as a Wholesale dealer, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
- Orders will be used for club or business only and use the MAP pricing structure outlined below.
- Any Gambler items purchased will not be sold on secondary markets, i.e. Amazon, Ebay, AliExpress, etc. These platforms contain counterfeit products and harm the reputation of Gambler Table Tennis and the Gambler brand.
MAP (Minimum Advertised Price)
All products must be priced at or below the advertised price on gamblertt.com. The wholesale seller may give up to a 20% discount for bundled products (IE: combine blade with rubbers). Sellers may gift soft promotional items such as bat cover or shirt.